Saturday, October 20, 2012

Mystery Reader

Last week we had our first Mystery Reader of the year.  Ashton's daddy,  Mr. Hayden came in to read to us on Friday last week after the fire fighters gave their presentation.  Mr.  Hayden gave really great clues for the children to guess who he was.  Ashton had no idea that it was his dad until he took a minute to think about the last clue!  "Today is my birthday" was the clue.  I asked the kids if they knew of anyone that had a birthday that day and they all said no....including Ashton!  But after a minute or two Ashton says, "hey today is my dad's birthday!"  Too cute!  You should have seen the HUGE smile on his face when he saw his dad walk in to read to our class :)

Mr. Hayden read a great book called The Bugy Bops.  
It was a really cute story about friends with food allergies.

I still have a bunch of time slots available for Mystery Reader.  
If you haven't signed up and would like to read, please let me know :)

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