Sunday, September 23, 2012

Corino's Cuties in Full Color

This week we worked on color words.  We read some really great books about color.   We read Pete the Cat again....boy do they love that story.  I'll have to admit that I love it too!  The message it sends about not getting upset when you make a mistake is a really good one for kinders and grown-ups alike!  "Did Pete cry?  Goodness no! 
 He kept walking a long singing his song.....cause it's all good!"

 The kiddos also really liked Dog's Colorful Day by Emma Dodd.  We are working on a class book to go along with it.  While I had a group with me working on their book page, the other kids were able to work independantly at other fun centers.  This gave them a little taste of what's to come once we build our stamina up to 15 minutes of Read to Self for the Daily 5 block.

  Giancarlo and Trinitee are working on their colorful day book page.

Ashton was hard at work making patterns with our colorful unifix cubes.

Edwin is putting his fine motor skills to work 
as he rolls play-doh into balls to place on one of the number mats.

Mallory is busy coloring the circles to match her color words.  Great job Mallory!

Speaking of Red to Self, I captured some good shots of my kinders building stamina!  
We made a little color book each day that we read together during shared reading. 
 After reading the book together and practicing how to point to each word,
 the kids placed them in their book baskets to be read during Read to Self.

 Look at Ava pointing to each word as she reads them.  Way to go kiddo!

Emily is a happy little reader!

I caught Ashton pointing to his words too!

Don't forget to color a leaf on your child's reading log each time you read together.  They can hand their log in with your signature at the end of the month
 to earn a big fuzzy!

  If you and your child read this blog post together, 
make sure he or she whispers the secret password to me 
for another chance to earn a big fuzzy!

Blog password: Pete

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