Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Waddling Our Way Into 2012

Happy New Year!  I have certainly waddled slowly back to my blog!  I'm sorry that I dropped out of the blogosphere for a while there.  I really enjoyed the time off with my family over the holidays and right now we are smack in the middle of basketball season!  With two kids each playing on their school team and a travel team, life in the Corino household is pretty crazy!

Upon our return to school in the new year, we started our unit on Penguins.  It has been a lot of fun. We kicked off the unit reading a non-fiction book about Penguins.  We learned a whole lot about where they live (not just in the cold) and how big or small they can be, among many other things.  The kids were really fascinated by the Emperor Penguins and just how large they are.  Four feet high!! 

I saw a really cool idea on another fellow blogger's site to measure the children's height against the actual height of a penguin.  Mrs. Everwine made a crazy cute penguin to hang in the hallway and when our classes joined forces this week, we all had a chance to see how we measured up to the penguin!

Lauren and Evie were the only kiddos in my class that were taller than the penguin!

After we measured ourselves, each student had to choose the correct word to finish their sentence.
  I am shorter than or I am taller than an Emperor Penguin.  
They really loved making snow paint 
to add a super cool detail to their art work this week!

All of our centers are penguin themed to match our unit. 
 At the art center the kids are turning the letter P into a penguin.  
I think our parade of arctic animals turned out pretty cute!

At the math center, Kassidy and Katelyn were matching tally marks
 to the corresponding numbers on the penguin tummies.

At the game center Lauren and Evie were adding up the dots on the dice and
 covering the corresponding numbered iceberg with a cute little penguin!

Next week.......snowmen!

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