Did you know that a pumpkin can float? For the past few years, I have taught the same lesson on our first 1/2 day in-service in October when the PM kiddos come in to join my class. We don't get do do a whole lot of science in a half day Kindergarten,
so I love to get this fun experiment in each year :)
I wasn't so sure that we could work it into our new literacy block and have it fit in with our curriculum. Enter the amazing word FLOAT! When we read the book We Are So Proud a few weeks ago, float was one of our amazing words. In the story the word describes what you would ride on in a parade. It was pretty impressive to see our kiddos realize that there are two meanings for the same word!
We made predictions about what regular classroom items would sink or float
based upon what they are made from, how heavy or light they are, etc....
Each year, the whole class thinks that the big ole pumpkin will sink
since it is so heavy.
They are always so shocked to see that it actually floats. Pretty cool, right?
It's also pretty cool that this lesson keeps the attention of 40 five year olds!!!
Here are all of the items that we tested.
Danny was did a great job making his predictions.
Then on Friday, we had our first Mystery Reader... Abigail's mom.
She read Spookly the Square Pumpkin,
which tied in nicely to the art lesson
that Mrs. Mathiesen taught that morning on shapes :)
Abby was so excited that her mom was the mystery reader!
She guessed who it was by the time we got to the last clue :)
If you haven't yet signed up to be a mystery reader,
shoot me an e-mail so we can get you in!
The kiddos love being surprised by their loved ones at school :)
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