I'd like to officially welcome my afternoon kinders and their families to our blog!
I try to get a blog post in every week to show everyone what we've been doing in class.
I hope you will take a little time each week to check it out!
Last Thursday, a few of Mrs. Elliot's 3rd graders came in to read a book to our class.
My kiddos really enjoyed having some "big kids" read to them;
and the 3rd graders got to practice their fluency.
It was a win-win situation for everyone!
Jon, Alex and Grace listen to Darian reading the book, Soup of the Day.
Josh, John and Jordan listening intently to Stephen reading to his group.
Here's CJ reading to Sarah, Sydney and Aiden.
Brietta and Andrew are enjoying Cody's story.
Ryan kept the attention of Kevin, Victoria and Marcello with his reading.