Monday, February 27, 2012

Mystery Reader #9

Last Friday, King's mom came in to be the mystery reader.
She read a really great book about kids who don't like to go to sleep.  
Does that sound familiar in your house?

King knew right away that his mom was the mystery reader
once I started giving the clues!
We also celebrated his birthday with worms in dirt!  
Gummy worms and chocolate pudding covered in crushed cookies, of course.

100 Days!

Wow!  Can't believe how fast those 100 days went!  
Pretty soon my little kinders will be first graders...yikes!
We had a very busy day on the 100th day of school.
  A lot of my kiddos came to school dressed like they were 100 years old! 
 Even our 3rd grade reading buddies got in on the act!

Here are the old kinders and their old buddies!

Dominc, Katrina and Andrew hard at work adding things in groups of 10s to their crazy 100 day hats.

Here Evie and Aaron are at the snack station 
counting out their snacks in groups of 10
 to make our yummy 100 piece trail mix.

Little old lady Lilly and her little old reading buddy 
working on their 100 day book together.

Boy Kindergarten has really aged Chase...look at all those wrinkles and that grey hair!  

During snack time, we made of list of the things that we would like to have 100 of.  Pretty funny!

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Mother Goose

I'm sure your kinder came home on Friday and told you all about our incredible visit from Mother Goose.  She comes to Kindergarten every year to teach our children the virtue of kindness.  She has the children help her act out her most popular nursery rhymes and does a bit of magic along the way.

The first rhyme she told us was about the Queen of England and the pussy cat that hid under her chair.  Our very own Lily was chosen to play the queen!

Jaylen and a student from Mrs. Andaloro's class got to play the parts of the King and Queen of Hearts.  Jaylen performed a little magic himself, buy pulling the heart cookies out of the magic bag! 
 We were all very impressed!

King, Katelyn and a student from Mrs. Andaloro's class played 
the three little kittens who lost their mittens.

Keynen helped out with the Old Mother Hubbard story.

Ryan and one of Mrs. Andaloro's girls played Mary, Mary quite contrary. They watered the vase with magic water to try to make the flowers grow.....

 ...and boy, did their magic do the trick!

At the end, Mother Goose picked Lauren and Mara to help count
 Little Boo Peep's lost sheep.
The kids and I really enjoyed her visit.

Mystery Reader #8

Last Thursday, Lily's mom came in to be our mystery reader.
Some of her clues sounded very familiar to a bunch of my kiddos.
I heard a lot of, "hey, my mom has a red car!"

Mrs. Hoang read one of my favorite stories, If You Give a Pig a Pancake.
We all enjoyed her reading.  The kids are becoming very good audience members.  We have learned (mostly) to be good listeners and not to interrupt the person that is reading.

Lily did guess that her mom was the mystery reader,
and she was quite excited to share her Mommy with our class!

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Mystery Reader, Lucky Number 7

Ms. O'Neil was our Mystery Reader this week!  The kiddos could not guess who it was.  She read to both our class and Mrs. Everwine's class during our overlap time on our half day.  She read one of my favorite books, Tops and Bottoms.  This is a great story of trickery that is somewhat of a sequel to the age old story of the tortoise and the hare.  

Ms. O'Neil read with such expression!  The kids loved her read aloud.

They were all completey engaged in the story!